A Novel about Landscape and Childhood, Sanity and Abuse, Truth and Redemption
Paul Brazier ~ Longman’s Charity
Contents, Cover and Art Work
Front Cover
Main Photo : The Red barn (top right) and Copse (top centre) seen from Hampton Charity. Note, the tree and shed, top left, is on the boundary between Hampton Charity and Christ Church Charity; photographed summer 1979, just before building and development started.
(Photographed by P.H. Brazier, Pentax ME, 30mm lens, 60th sec., f.16, Ilford 125ASA.)

Painting 1 (left) : Primroses, Bredon Hill
(P.H. Brazier, oil on cardboard, c. 1966-1986.)

Painting 2 (right) : The Charity Lane leading down to the Red Barn from Gypsies Corner.
(P.H. Brazier, oil on cardboard, c. 1968-1992.)

Rear Cover
School Photo : Paul Brazier, aged 10 years (1964) annual school photo, Swann Lane Junior School.

Brother and Sister : Paul and Christine (aged 7 years and 5 years, respectively) on the running board of their father’s lorry, with 500 chips of Victoria Plums, on the way to the railway goods yard: August 1959.
(Photographed by Harry Brazier, with an Ensign-Selfix 20, 1930s, camera)

Wildflower Paintings :
From left to right, Ragged Robin, Celedines, Harebells, Poppies, and Heartsease (Wild Pansy), all from around the Red Barn, the Copse, the Charity Brook and the headland east of the Red barn.
(P.H. Brazier, Oil on cardboard, c. 1968-1986.)
Longman’s Charity ~ Contents
Prologue—A Welcoming
Part One—The Land and The Child
Chapter 1. Creation: Fruitfulness and the Serpent
Chapter 2. Town: People and Family
Chapter 3. Beginnings: Infancy and Quietude
Chapter 4. Love: Sickness and Death
Chapter 5. Summer: Vibrancy and Joy
Part Two—The Village Idiot
Chapter 6. Abuse: Sanity and Dis-ease
Chapter 7. Winter: Christmas and Survival
Chapter 8. Realization: Fear and Depression
Part Three—Through Fire and Water
Chapter 9. Captivity: Sanctity and Sanctuary
Chapter 10. Deception: Terror and Dread
Chapter 11. Sanity: Emptiness and Escape
Chapter 12. Exile: Desperation and Return
Epilogue—A Leave-Taking
© Paul Brazier ~ Ash Design, 2014